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Collaborative Seed Grant Program

2023 Request for Proposal

Grant Purpose

The Collaborative Seed Grant program, sponsored by the Global Institute for Hispanic Health (GIHH), seeks to develop and promote collaboration between Driscoll Children’s Hospital (DCH), the Driscoll Health Plan (DHP), and the Texas A&M University Health Science Center (HSC) to advance clinical research aimed at eliminating health care disparities in Hispanic communities. The program provides seed research funding for clinical research projects with teams comprised of clinicians and scientists. Each grant of up to $25,000 will be awarded in September 2023 with a 15-month period of performance.

The goal of the program is to support pilot research projects that will address the health needs of the South Texas population so researchers will be competitive for extramural funding. Grant awards will also be made based on scientific merit, feasibility, and the project’s relevance to the GIHH goals of clinical, translational, and health services research projects. Priority areas for this round of competition include diabetes, obesity, asthma, infectious disease, neurological disorders, cancer, the opioid epidemic, and healthcare delivery. Proposals that leverage the Healthy South Texas initiative or data from the Driscoll Health Plan are encouraged.


Research proposals should focus on South Texas and the health needs of the Hispanic population. All investigative teams should include at least one co-investigator from DCH or DHP and one co-investigator from the Texas A&M University HSC. Other Texas A&M University System members are encouraged to apply in collaboration with Driscoll and HSC colleagues. The lead co-investigators cannot be individuals who have previously led seed grant projects funded by the GIHH. Any Driscoll physician included on the application must apply for an adjunct faculty position at Texas A&M University prior to the due date of the full application.

Preliminary Application


Applicants may apply for up to $25,000 in direct costs for a 15-month period of performance. No overhead is allowed. An additional $25,000 of funding will be available for a subsequent 12-month period of performance contingent upon advancement of first-period milestones. No-cost extensions will not be permitted.

Application Process

Brief preliminary applications are due May 2, 2023. Up to eight preliminary applications will be selected to go through the full application process. Invitations to submit full applications will be sent out in mid May 2023, with applications due July 14, 2023. The full application process will mirror preparation for a Driscoll Children’s Hospital Institutional Review Board submission and will include consultation with a biostatistician.

Announcement of Awards

Applicants will be notified of award outcomes by August 31, 2023. Selected investigators will receive award agreements that must be signed and returned to the GIHH before funds are dispersed.


Grant recipients must submit electronic copies of the Final Scientific Report and Final Financial Report no later than December 31, 2024. Recipients must acknowledge funding support from the GIHH in any publication and presentation abstract/poster resulting from the research.


Contact Mari Allison-Hoien